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nZEB-RETROFIT Symposium 2015

A national level one day symposium, themed ‘Achieving nearly zero energy buildings through retrofits’ was organised by Informatics Research Unit for Sustainable Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering and Informatics, National University of Ireland, Galway on 18th August 2015. This symposium was a joint collaboration with Engineers Ireland (west region) and IBPSA (International Building Performance Simulation Association) Ireland.

    The objective of this symposium was to bring together a range of stakeholders from the construction industry to share their insightful experiences and foster the direction ahead. The event was host to about 100 attendees with 15 speakers with a wide spectrum of professionals including many architects, engineers, contractors, BER assessors and energy auditors amongst all.


Eminent speakers such as Eamonn Smyth and Sean Armstrong from Department of Environment, Community and Local Government; Paul Kenny from Tipperary Energy Agency; Pat Barry from Irish Green Building Council; Alan Carr from Passive House Academy; and Helena McElmeel from Helena McElmeel Architects shared their expertise and highlighted the current scenario of retrofit practices in Ireland. Researchers from NUI Galway were amongst others who shared their ongoing researches on the nZEB-Retrofit project, carrird out under principal investigator Dr. Jamie Goggins (Senior Lecturer), and funded by Science Foundation Ireland.


   The symposium covered different themes addressing concerns of standardisation, economics, technology and showcasing varied completed and ongoing retrofit projects. The negligible support of banking and financial institutions towards the retrofit practices was drawn out as a major concern. Also, the difference in the measured and actual energy performance of retrofit projects highlighted the need for more accurate measurement systems. Moreover, little acceptability at the end user due to limited knowledge and lack of information was identified as the prime concern. The symposium thereby initiated a potential collaboration between the industry and the researchers paving a way for achieving the common goal of nZEB 2020 given by European Union Directive 2010/31/ EU (Energy Performance of Building Directives recast). 

Speakers & Talks 

Sean Armstrong


Technical Advisor at Building Standards

Dept. of Environment, Community & Local Government

Dublin, Ireland

Enda Casey


Marine and Renewable Energy Officer

Mayo Enterprise & Investment Unit, Mayo County Council

Castlebar, Ireland

Eamonn Smyth


Adviser, Building Standards

Dept. of Environment, Community and Local Government

Dublin, Ireland

Sheikh Zuhaib (Event coordinator)


Doctoral Researcher

Dept. of Civil Engineering

National University of Ireland

Galway, Ireland

Paul Kenny



Tipperary Energy Agency

Cahir, Ireland

Pat Barry


Executive Director

Irish Green Building Council

Dublin, Ireland

Alan Carr


Certification Technologist

Passive House Academy

Wicklow, Ireland

Turya Ganguly


Doctoral Researcher

Dept. of Civil Engineering

National University of Ireland

Galway, Ireland

Michael Hanratty



Irish Home Energy Rating (IHER) Ltd.

Dublin, Ireland

Daniel Coyle



Daniel Coyle Architects

Dublin, Ireland

Helena McElmeel 



Helena McElmeel Architects

Galway, Ireland

Paul Moran


Doctoral Researcher

Dept. of Civil Engineering

National University of Ireland

Galway, Ireland

Mark J. Foley


Lecturer, Academic director

School of Physics

National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland

Aidan Shannon


Construction Project Manager

Dun Laoghaire County Council

Dublin, Ireland

Marcus M. Keane


Senior Lecturer

Dept. of Civil Engineering

National University of Ireland

Galway, Ireland

Jamie Goggins (Event Moderator)


Senior Lecturer 

Dept. of Civil Engineering

National University of Ireland

Galway, Ireland

Orgnised by

In collaboration with

© Informatics Research Unit for Sustainable Engineering

    Dept. of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering & Informatics,

    National Univeristy of Ireland, Galway. |  Tel: +353-91-492609


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