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EU Projects


European Union is continuously engaging its resources to fundamentally solve the problems through research. Several supported researches are undergoing to achieve vital breakthroughs in evolving building construction technologies and solutions. 


Built2Spec brings together a new and breakthrough set of technological advances for self-inspection and quality assurance that will be put into the hands of construction stakeholders to help meeting EU energy efficiency targets, new build standards, and related policy ambitions. Built2Spec will expand upon a cloud based construction support platform, conceived following the most advanced integrated design and delivery framework for the building sector and hosting applications that facilitate worksite activities and quality compliance by putting knowledge in hands of contractors. This will be achieved in the form of shared design specifications and 3D models, installation guidelines, information on regulatory frameworks, and help from construction experts on smartphones and tablets.


The ECODISTR-ICT project is funded by the European Union through the Seventh Framework Programme. It is coordinated by VITO and involves Arup, Bipolaire Arquitectos, CSTB, Omgeving, Sigma Orionis, SP, Strusoft, TNO, VABI and White. The ECODISTR-ICT project aims at developing an integrated decision-support tool that facilitates decision making on the retrofitting and renewal of existing districts and their composing buildings. It will connect the main decision makers in urban district transformation programmes, acting from different perspectives, with different time scales, to reach a coordinated approach that joins building retrofitting with district renovation. It will provide trustworthy insights on (i) retrofitting and renewal projects, (ii) the associated costs and benefits over the life cycle of the buildings, and (iii) the impacts on resource efficiency, social aspects, indoor and outdoor quality of buildings and districts, and other environmental concerns. The ECODISTR-ICT tool will be tested in five demonstration sites located in Belgium, Sweden, Spain, the Netherlands and Poland.


RetroKit will develop and demonstrate at three building pilots (Spain, Germany, Sweden), multifunctional, modular, low cost and easy to install prefabricated modules in order to significantly increase the EU retrofitting rate and contribute to EU energy reduction commitments. These innovative systems target existing multi-family residential buildings which represent more than 50% of the EU building stock and between 65% and 80% of their energy consumption. RetroKit project will bring the aspect of multifunctional façade and roof elements into the retrofit sector. Special integrated solutions will be developed which are dealing with the aspects of heating, ventilation, cooling, electricity and ICT in a flexible way. RetroKit key factor is the window element accompanied with a technical box taking in HVAC systems as well as interfaces for building services (ducting, piping) installed on the existing façade.


Request2Action is a project across nine European countries co-funded by the European Commission. Its focus is on how data from Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs), alongside other data, can be used to promote home energy efficiency. Governments, organisations, private companies and individual households all have a different role to play in making Europe's homes energy efficient. Each of these groups can benefit from better data about the opportunity for energy saving - how much can different types of homes save by installing different energy efficiency measures? Information collected in the preparation of EPC are a rich source of data and Request2Action particularly aims to make this data widely available. Request2Action involves pilot projects focused on areas including monitoring the uptake of EPC recommendations, enhancing self-assessment advice for householders,  providing effective data from EPCs to different organisations and companies, who need to understand the energy saving opportunity in their country or region and developing national hubs that will make data available and provide other relevant information and link supply & demand side stakeholders


RESEEPE will bring together design and decision making tools, innovative building fabric manufacturers and a strong demonstration programme to demonstrate the improved building performance through retrofitting. The core idea of the RESSEEPE project is to technically advance, adapt, demonstrate and assess a number of innovative retrofit technologies. Reductions in the area of 50% will be achieved in terms of energy consumption. A systemic process will be also implemented that will allow the selection of the best possible retrofitting mix, customised to the needs of the particular building. Several remarkable innovative technologies and materials will be integrated in the retrofitting process including envelope retrofitting, integration of renewable energy, energy storage systems, nanotechnologies and smart materials, ICT and intelligant building controls.


BEEM-UP aims to demonstrate the economic, technical and ­social feasibility of retrofitting to drastically reduce energy consumption in existing buildings. Our main goal is to get to a 75% reduction in heating energy demand in existing residential buildings under current market conditions. The project aims to retrofit some 340 dwellings located in Sweden, the Netherlands and France


European consumers need to be supported to adopt more sustainable consumption behaviour in their daily life. FIESTA aims to lead families with children to save energy at home, acting both on their energy consumption behaviour and on their purchasing decisions. As the need for cooling is a growing issue to be faced urgently, the project focuses on cooling and heating solutions which offer significant domestic saving potential. With the support of 19 partners (5 technical partners and 14 municipalities), FIESTA involves 5 countries with a Mediterranean climate that require extensive use of air conditioning systems such as Italy, Spain, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus.Energy Help Desks will be established in the municipalities providing support and door to door energy audits for families. These will be engaged in the project activities by means of specific actions towards schools, social housing residents, heating and cooling retailers and installers. To attract additional beneficiaries, several FIESTA lotteries will be organized and a consumers’ purchasing group will be created to foster families’ investments.


The MeeFS project aims to develop, evaluate and demonstrate an innovative energy efficient multifunctional façade system geared towards the residential building sector. The result should bring a flexible and modular solution. Flexible as it could be adapted to different architectonic configurations and typologies. And Modular as a system that combines different technological solutions.

School of the Future

The aim of the “School of the Future” project is to design, demonstrate, evaluate and communicate shining examples of how to reach the future high performance building level. School buildings and their primary users pupils - the next generations - are in the focus of the project. Both, the energy and indoor environment performance of 4 demo buildings in 4 European countries and climates will be greatly improved due to holistic retrofit of the building envelope, the service systems, the integration of renewables and building management systems.


ROBUST addresses the renovation and improvement of existing residential, industrial and commercial buildings using steel-based technologies, focusing on techniques such as over-cladding, over-roofing and roof-top extensions.

Bio Build

The aim of the BioBuild project was to use biocomposite materials to reduce the embodied energy in building-façade, supporting-structure and internal-partition systems by at least 50% over current materials, with no increase in cost. This will lead to a step-change in the use of sustainable, low-carbon construction materials, by replacing aluminium, steel, fibre-reinforced polymers (FRPs), brick and concrete in new-build and refurbished structures.


The project will introduce a novel insulated glass unit for quadruple glazing containing ultra-thin glass membranes for frameless openable windows with direct installation in facades. The project will implement printed organic photovoltaics (OPVs) and solar thermal collectors for energy harvesting and micro mirrors for energy control and advanced day lighting.


Through EnE-HVAC, energy savings of up to 50% on the total energy consumption in an HVAC system compared to current conventional commercially available systems will be demonstrated. To achieve these savings, the EnE-HVAC project will tackle all aspects of the system, using novel nanotechnological approaches, improving heat transfer and transport throughout the whole system.


The FLUIDGLASS project develops a new and innovative concept for multifunctional solar thermal glass facades systems. The FLUIDGLASS approach turns passive glass facades into active transparent solar collectors while at the same time controlling the energy flow through the building envelope. Replacing four different systems by one, FLUIDGLASS brings a significant cost advantage compared to existing solutions. FLUIDGLASS increases the thermal performance of the whole building resulting in energy savings potential of 50%-70% for retrofitting and 20%-30% for new low energy buildings while the comfort for the user is significantly improved at the same time. Compared to state-of-the-art solar collectors FLUIDGLASS has the elegant but neutral aesthetics of clear glass. This allows full design freedom for the architect in new built applications and enables retrofits that do not destroy the original look of an existing building.


The EU project "Collaboration for housing nearly zero energyrenovation", abbreviated to COHERENO, makes a valuable contribution to achieving the EU’s energy efficiency and climate protection goals. Nine institutions from five European countries are involved in the project. By March 2016, they will develop proposals and concepts for promising cross-sector and company business models for high efficiency refurbishment of single-family houses to nearly zero-energy housing. The models are to pave the way for refurbishment from a single source. From financing, consulting and planning, right through to implementation – all parties in the construction process are to be involved. A major goal of COHERENO is to improve the quality of the construction measures by providing specific support to all stakeholders, thus increasing customer confidence. With these two key aspects, nearly zero-energy houses can gain credibility and acceptance, and win a higher market share.

The main objective of HarWin is to develop new material solutions for light weight glazing and light weight frame for windows with the aim to reduce the energy consumption of buildings by numerous measures related to improvements of window performance. 


The SESBE project works towards a new type of concrete based façade sandwich elements, which provide a new  set of advantages to existing concrete cladding panels. This includes less heavy, thinner elements with better energy performance and multifunctional surfaces. Furthermore a new type of sealing tape and intumescent coating for fire protection is being developed. The SESBE consortium consists of three SMEs, four industrial and five research partners. Nanomaterials and nanotechnology will be utilized as a tool to custom design functional and performance properties of façade  elements. The elements will be able to be applied for new constructions as well as for refurbishment of existing buildings. 


EASEE aims at developing a tool-kit for envelope retrofitting of existing multi-storey and multi-owner buildings which combines novel design and assessment strategies, with scaffolding-free installation approaches, to reduce energy demand, minimising the impact on occupants while preserving the façade original appearance. EASEE will focus on the three main components of the envelope: the outer façade, the cavity walls and the interiors, by developing innovative and easy to implement solutions, to be combined according to the characteristics of the building to be retrofitted as well as to other non technical parameters as for example cost and location of the building. EASEE will reduce overall retrofitting duration and will optimize the worksite in general with direct benefits for the workers and the building occupants, while creating new business opportunities in energy efficient retrofitting of existing buildings, mobilising new cooperation schemes between large enterprises and local SMEs through licensing mechanisms.


The goal of the EPISCOPE project is to make the energy refurbishment processes in the European housing sector more transparent and effective. The project objective is to implement pilot actions on different scales and to align and compare them by means of a common methodology. The conceptual framework will be based on national residential building typologies developed during the IEE project TABULA. These classification schemes for national building stocks will be extended to 6 further countries. An upgrade of the WebTool will also reflect the national interpretations of new buildings and Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB). The resulting methodology is the basis for the intended assessment and comparison of different refurbishment strategies and impacts. The main project activity will be to track the energy refurbishment progress of certain housing stock entireties. The implementation rate of different refurbishment measures will be determined and compared with those activities which are necessary to attain the relevant climate protection targets.


Europe can become the leader in CO2 emission reduction by applying innovative solutions to its built cultural heritage. According to the European Recovery Plan one of the actions that needs to be taken to tackle the current crisis, is investing in energy efficiency. Historic urban buildings consume 4% of all energy and are responsible for 3% of CO2 emissions. Therefore, improving energy efficiency in historic buildings and historic districts is essential. Nevertheless, most of the current developments in energy efficiency address new construction without dealing with the unique problems of historic structures. A number of technologies and products have been developed, however many of the solutions are not acceptable for historic structures due to the necessity of preserving integrity and authenticity. Therefore, the main goal of EFFESUS is to develop and demonstrate through case studies a methodology for assessing and selecting energy efficiency interventions, based on existing and new technologies that are compatible with heritage values. A Decision Support System will be a primary deliverable. 


The PassREg Projet ended in April 2015. PassREg aimed to trigger the successful implementation of Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (NZEBs) throughout the EU, using Passive House supplied as much as possible by renewable energies as the foundation. This project was based on European regions/municipalities that either were already front runners with a large number of Passive House buildings or were striving to become such regions (aspiring regions). Through PassREg, the front runner regions that had already implemented successful, cost effective strategies were optimised and made visible. Lessons learnt supporting the implementation of PassREg concepts through both successful regional models and best practice examples served as a basis to be adapted and implemented in aspiring regions.


The E2ReBuild project aspires to transform the retrofitting construction sector from the current craft- and resource-based construction into an innovative, hightech, energy-efficient industrialised sector. The project aims to investigate, promote and demonstrate advanced, cost-effective, energy-efficient retrofit strategies by creating added value for existing apartment buildings and encouraging end-users to stay and build a dynamic society,  to establish and demonstrate sustainable renovation solutions that will reduce energy use and to create an all-embracing industrialised process that minimises technical and social disturbance for tenants, facilitates energy-efficient operation and use and encourages energy-efficient behaviour.


The use of renewable energy in the building sector is today dominated by the application of solar domestic hot water and PV systems in single-family houses. In order to significantly increase the use of renewable energy in the building sector, concepts have to be developed for large buildings. In these buildings high fractions of the energy demand can only be met with renewable energy sources, when the façade is used for energy conversion in addition to the roof. This is especially true for buildings with a small roof area compared to the floor area (“high-rise buildings”) and for existing buildings which generally have a higher energy demand than new buildings. Therefore the main focus of the project is to convert facades of existing “high-rise buildings” into multifunctional, energy gaining components. 


Building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) is a promising area while it is still considered as a novelty dedicated only to exclusive construction. However, BIPV potential is much greater and many more solutions could be developed and BIPV could become a broadly accepted technology if the main barriers, hindering the market deployment are overcome. SMART-FLeX consortium aims to address the identified needs for overcoming the main barriers of BIPV market deployment.


The USmartConsumer project is aimed at enhancing European households (tenants and owners) from the improved information facilities of their smart meter, informing and involving them on the innovative services that help them to save electric, gas or district heating energy and get user-friendly interfaces, thus improving consumer’s engagement. A strong involvement of consumer associations, energy/services suppliers and market promoters has been agreed, which will facilitate networking and knowledge transfer among key actors increasing market growth.


Development of novel, inorganic insulation materials and building insulation masonry components with low embodied energy and good technical and environmental performance.


The project aims at developing new technology routes to integrate waste materials in the production cycle of concrete, for both ready-mixed and pre-cast applications, resulting in an innovative light-weight, eco-compatible and cost-effective construction material, made by all-waste raw materials and characterized by low embodied energy and CO2 and by improved ductility and thermal insulation performances. The target of low embodied energy and CO2 will be mainly achieved through working on the binders' side, while the target of energy efficiency (heat insulation) will be mainly achieved through working on the aggregates side.

smart BLIND

smartBLIND is a readily implemented window blind system that regulates incoming light and heat to realize energy savings. Electronically sensing changes in sunlight conditions, this innovative product automatically and continuously adjusts your blinds to let in light according to your settings. Whether you live in a hot climate or a cold one, smartBLIND is the perfect ergonomic solution for the regulation of incoming light & heat, achieving significant energy savings through reduction in air conditioning and/or heating costs. Available in all window sizes and in a range of colours, smartBLIND is adaptable to every user’s needs, whether they be for home or commercial use.


WINSMART is an inter-European research and development project aiming at creating the windows of the future - low U-value, fully sustainable, lightweight, Smart Windows – by combining vacuum insulation glazing (VIG) with suitable optical transmission control schemes.


The AEROCOINs project will make a significant contribution to the future reduction of energy consumption by decreasing heating and cooling demands of existing-buildings. A clever combination of sol-gel science and nanotechnology can greatly advance design and development of novel superinsulating aerogels. The AEROCOINs project proposes to create a new class of mechanically strong superinsulating aerogel composite/hybrid materials by overcoming the two major obstacles which have endured for so long and have prevented a more wide-spread use of silica-based aerogel insulation components in the building industry: i) strengthening of silica aerogels by cross-linking with cellulosic polymers or the incorporation of cellulose-based nanofibres and ii) lowering the production cost of monolithic plates or boards of composite/hybrid aerogel materials via ambient drying and continuous production technology. Acting on these two incentives, new superinsulating aerogel-based monolithic materials with improved thermo-mechanical properties will be synthesized at the laboratory scale, developed further to the pilot scale under the shape of superinsulating panels, integrated in well-suited envelope components which will then be used for energy and ageing evaluation purposes via the integration of the aerogel-based components in a demonstration wall.


The EU project "Collaboration for housing nearly zero energyrenovation", abbreviated to COHERENO, makes a valuable contribution to achieving the EU’s energy efficiency and climate protection goals. Nine institutions from five European countries are involved in the project. By March 2016, they will develop proposals and concepts for promising cross-sector and company business models for high efficiency refurbishment of single-family houses to nearly zero-energy housing. The models are to pave the way for refurbishment from a single source. From financing, consulting and planning, right through to implementation – all parties in the construction process are to be involved. A major goal of COHERENO is to improve the quality of the construction measures by providing specific support to all stakeholders, thus increasing customer confidence. With these two key aspects, nearly zero-energy houses can gain credibility and acceptance, and win a higher market share.

CETIEB develops cost-effective, innovative solutions for better monitoring indoor environment quality and investigates active and passive systems for improving it. The focus lies on developing cost-effective solutions to ensure a wide application of the resulting systems. These solutions will allow the monitoring of a large variety of indoor environmental factors, active systems to control natural ventilation whilst improving indoor air quality and optimising air flow in buildings and novel, cost-effective, nanofunctional structured surfaces based on titanium dioxide (TiO2) contributing to a cleaner and healthier environment by oxidising and safely removing air pollutants and pathogenic microorganisms from air and building surfaces

© Informatics Research Unit for Sustainable Engineering

    Dept. of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering & Informatics,

    National Univeristy of Ireland, Galway. |  Tel: +353-91-492609


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