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The focus is on developing innovative methods for the holistic retrofit methodology for existing building façades that effectively combines performance efficiency and taking into account the challenge of aesthetics for existing buildings. Factors like variability in context, material, environment, composite construction types and comfort requirements, often complicate the façade retrofits. A proper understanding of the diagnostics and intervention principles improves the overall cognizance of façade retrofits with other systems and sub-systems. Owing to the complexity of interactions between the facade and performance variables it is highly challenging to deep retrofit them. 


Often in retrofit projects, façade retrofits are undertaken to fix maintenance problems, translate into costly interventions especially for overcoming energy failure and architectural decay. This research aims to develop guidelines and tools for retrofitting building façade of such buildings to meet the current energetic requirements. Planning the retrofits strategically with effective diagnosis of problems would result in huge reduction of capital costs, operational and embodied energy, improvement in indoor environment, air quality, thermal comfort and disruption caused in the building. These end benefits can potentially be reduced by deep retrofit of the existing façades. Owing to the overlaps in the main stages of retrofit as shown in the figure below there is potential to improve in each stage on a significant level. It can be in terms of performance efficiency, cost efficiency or life cycle evaluation.



Main stages of facade retrofit 

Deep facade retrofits depend on functional performance metrics such as visual comfort, thermalcomfort, acoustical comfort, indoor air quality, durability, buildability, and aesthetics. All these metrics are related to design variables such as U-value, WWR, light transmittance, cost etc. The developed tool will effectively combine these varibales and  optimise the facade design in a cost optimal manner.


The basic idea of this research is to empower the design professionals in the retrofit industry with tools that can reduce the time and cost involved in deep retrofitting of facades and accelerate the rate of non-domestic building retrofits.

© Informatics Research Unit for Sustainable Engineering

    Dept. of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering & Informatics,

    National Univeristy of Ireland, Galway. |  Tel: +353-91-492609


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