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Date: 07-15th June 2016


The first Aalto BIM summer school was held from 7th - 15th June 2016 at the Aalto University campus in Otaniemi, Finland. Students, researchers and industry professionals from more than 10 countries gathered for this educational event, marked by presentations, workshops, project work and networking. Experts from noted Scandanavian companies, such as Skanska, Granlund, MAD, NCC and Sweco among others, shared their experience of working with BIM in design and construction. There were workshops organised by the Aalto BIM collaborative group with help from in-house academicians and European partner universities such as ETH Zurich and Universidad Europea de Madrid.


Turya Ganguly, handling WP4 of the nZEB- Retrofit project, attended the summer school. He worked with other fellow researchers and students to deliver a project proposal involving modular design of a new roof for the 'Design Factory' of the Aalto university campus using laser scanning and BIM technologies.

© Informatics Research Unit for Sustainable Engineering

    Dept. of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering & Informatics,

    National Univeristy of Ireland, Galway. |  Tel: +353-91-492609


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